The project sits on the crossroads of the 1-km avenue that the City forgot. As the fifth busiest public thoroughfare in Toronto, the project is visible to a large audience and lives within an increasingly strong community.

The site offers various opportunities to grow as a hub. For the past 100 years, the area has seen a range of mixed-use tenants. Programs include commercial light fabrication shops, food and beverage production and sale, local retail, community services, working spaces, auto shops, training facilities, performance venues, art spaces and galleries. As the community grows, the need and desire for expanding these elements grow, too.

With Lemay

Toronto, ON | 2020 - ongoing

Design Drivers

Geary can be many things: Itself, a riddle, a cinema, a piazza, a forest or a machine. Five design drivers serve as structured pillars to establish the design process and development of the 259 Geary site.

ENVELOPE | Vocabulary

The envelope design starts with the implementation of 3 unifying strategies and systems that can be deployed on the different objects composing the project, in correlation with the identity and urban strategies developed during the design process.


MPV2 Townhomes


Walk-Up Housing